
Oct 10, 2024
What the word says about you and your mental healthWhat exactly is mental health? According...

Jun 12, 2024
Prayer is undoubtedly one of the weightier matters in all of man’s quest to connect...

The Intercessory Ministry of a Christian
Apr 24, 2024
Intercession is defined as the act of intervening on behalf of another or the act of praying for another.

The Essence of Easter
Mar 20, 2024
As fun and colorful as the Easter decorations are, as delicious as the Easter delicacies may be, as lovely as the time spent with family and friends could be, the best thing about Easter will always be the True Meaning of Easter.

5 Ways To Enrich Your Daily Devotional Study
Feb 19, 2024
Your Daily Devotion is a truly essential aspect of your Christianity.The Father is in heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ has ascended into heaven, when He left He said “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever;” John 14:16.Today, we have the Holy Spirit of God and He is the one called to walk alongside us in this journey of the Christian life. One of the crucial ways to experience this communion is through studying a Daily Devotional.

Jul 17, 2023
Limiting beliefs are like invisible walls that hold us back from reaching our full potential....